بحث عن اليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزي اليوم الوطني السعودي يحتفل به بكل عام، حيث ان تاريخ اليوم الوطني السعودي 23 سبتمبر من كل عام، ويكون مناسبة كبيرة جدا لكل السعوديين، حيث انه يوم تاسيس المملكة العربية السعودية، ومن هنا احتل مكانة كبيرة جدا فى قلوب المواطنين فى السعودية، وهو اليوم الذي يحتفل به الشعب السعودي، بسبب اعلان الملك عبدالعزيز ال سعود، عن قيام المملكة العربية السعودية فى تاريخ 23 سبتمبر 1932.

مقدمة عن اليوم الوطني السعودي

Introduction to the Saudi National Day

The Saudi National Day is celebrated every year, as the date of the Saudi National Day is September 23 of each year, and it is a very big occasion for all Saudis, as it is the day of the founding of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and from here it occupied a very big place in the hearts of citizens in Saudi Arabia, which is the day that It is celebrated by the Saudi people, because of King Abdulaziz Al Saud’s announcement of the establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on September 23, 1932.

بحث عن فعلايات اليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزية

هنا سوف نضع مجموعة من اهم الفعاليات خلال اليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزية، وهو بحث باللغة الانجليزية عن العيد الوطني السعودي.

  • Folkloric and popular performances that cheer, cheer, and please the same for many.
  • Entertainment games that are shared by all members of the community, which are held in a large square, and include special events for children.
  • Fun activities such as competitions, and fun short stories written and written by event organizers, and shared by community members.
  • Musical ceremonies that are commemorated by a large number of national artists, and include purposeful, and fun patriotic chants.
  • Doing voluntary work for the nation’s facilities, such as helping to build a new school or a new hospital.
  • Reciting patriotic poetry, and poems organized by individuals for this day, which are beautifully composed and influential.
  • Honoring some individuals who have long experience in the success and development of the nation.

مناسبات فى اليوم الوطني السعودي

هنا من خلال بحث عن اليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزي نقدم لكم اهم المناسبات التى حصلت فى اليوم الوطني السعودي، وهي التالية

Occasions on the Saudi National Day

  • King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz acknowledged in the year 2005 that, starting from the 75th Saudi National Day, it becomes the National Day – an official holiday for the state.
  • In 2009, the Saudi National Day 79 witnessed the inauguration of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King Abdullah University for Science and Technology, in the presence of a number of heads of countries around the world.
  • On the 84th Saudi National Day in 2014, the Jeddah Governorate Municipality inaugurated the longest flagpole in the world, which is one of Abdul Latif Jameel’s social initiatives. Width, with a total area of ​​1635 square meters, weight of 570 kg, and an area of ​​more than 26 thousand square meters.
  •  In 2015 the 85th Saudi National Day fell on Wednesday 9 Dhu al-Hijjah (Day of Arafah), and that was for the first time.

خاتمة بحث عن اليوم الوطني السعودي بالانجليزي

هناك مظاهر كبيرة فى اليوم الوطني السعودي، حيث يرتب للاحتفال به قبل ثلاث شهور، لانه يوم مهم للسعودية، ويكون هناك تقديم الكثير من التقدير، لمن ساهموا فى علو شان المملكة، ويعلن عن عطلة رسمية فى السعودية، وكان هذا اهم ما يمكن ان نتعرف عليه، عن اليوم الوطني السعودي

Conclusion of research on the Saudi National Day in English

There are big appearances on the Saudi National Day, where it is arranged to celebrate it three months ago, because it is an important day for Saudi Arabia, and there will be a lot of appreciation for those who contributed to the elevation of the Kingdom, and an official holiday in Saudi Arabia is announced, and this was the most important thing that we can get to know. On the Saudi National Day
