تعبير بالانجليزي عن وظيفة المستقبل قصير هذا التعبير من الموضوعات التي يمكن أن هناك من الطلبة لضعفه في اللغة الإنجليزية يعتبر طوق نجاة له لتحصيل العلامات في الامتحان، كما أن هناك من يريد تقوية نفسه في هذه المادة أو وضع جواب نموذجي وغير ذلك من الأسباب ولأن مثل هذه الموضوعات يتكرر طرحها في الامتحانات فيمكن أن نبين التالي.

تعبير بالانجليزي عن وظيفة المستقبل قصير


  • my ambition in life is to be a volunteer doctor and travel to poor countries with a team to help others. there are so many people in poor countries suffering in their life and do not have access to hospitals not medications. I want to be able to help these kind of people and make their life better because they deserve it. x
  • طموحي في المستقبل ان اكون دكتور\دكتورة متبرعة واسافر للدول الفقيرة مع فريق لمساعدة الاخرين. هنالك الكثير من الاشخاص في الدول الفقيرة يعانون في حياتهم ولا يوجد لديهم مستشفيات او ادوية. انا اريد ان اكون قادراُ لمساعدة هاؤلا الاشخاص واجعل حياتهم افضل لأنهم يستحقون.
  • my future job is to be a dentist. I would like to go to the dentistry school to finish my education. I take care of my teeth and I like to help other to take care of theirs. I enjoy helping other and make them have a good smile. x
  • وظيفة المستقبل هي ان اكون طبيب \ طبيبة اسنان. انا احب ان ادرس في كلية طلب الاسنان لأنها تعليمي. انا اهتم بأسناني واحب ان اساعد الاخرين ليهتمون بأسنانهم. انا استمتع بمساعدة الاخرين وجعل
  • إن كنت تريد أن تكون صحفياً
  • I would like to be a journalist in the future. I am very interested in reading political and social books as well. I would like to express my opinion on all issues related to politics, So I decided after I got my high school diploma to study at the Press and Media College.
  • I am trained to write correctly and come by knowing the grammar of the language well, as well as knowing the meanings of the words, and how to correctly configure the sentence.
  • And I have benefited from my teachers, they have given me a lot of advice and guidance that make my style of writing topics better.
  • I am the head of the school’s journalism group. I write a daily article in the school wall paper. I also set up the newspaper form. I define for each member of the press group the area in which he  writes the subject, I also specify the types of subjects they will write, whether they are social, cultural, scientific, artistic, amusing, general information and other interesting topics.
  • Many of my school students read the articles I write in the school newspaper and express their admiration for my writing style and describe my writing as easy and interesting,  I also was praised by the teachers and my school newspaper has been  selected in the competition of the best school newspaper and we got the first place, so I was honored and the rest of the members of the